时间:2018-12-28 作者:英语课 分类:听英文对话做选择


Receptionist: English Language Center. How may I help you?
Caller: Yes. I'm calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of courses do you offer?
Receptionist: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities to this area's community [Uh-hum], whether a student's goal is to master basic functional 1 language skills, let's say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.
Caller: Okay. I'm calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university.
Receptionist: And that's the kind of, uh, instruction that we provide, from basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.
Caller: Great. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?
Receptionist: Well, we ask applicants 2 to apply no later than two months before the semester begins. [Uh-hum] This gives us time to process the application and issue the student's I-20.
Caller: An I-20?
Receptionist: Oh, an I-20 is a form that indicates that we are giving permission for the student to study in our program, and then the student takes this form to the US embassy in his or her country to apply for the F-1 student visa.
Caller: Alright. What is the tuition for a full-time 3 student?
Receptionist: It's two thousand thirty dollars.
Caller: And how does one apply?
Receptionist: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application that's online at our Web site.
Caller: And are there other materials I would need to send in addition to the application form?
Receptionist: Uh, yes. You would need to send in a $35 non-refundable application fee [Uh-huh], a sponsorship form indicating who will be responsible financially for the student while studying in our program, and a bank statement showing that you or your sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition expenses and living costs for the entire year of study.
Caller: And how can I send these materials to you?
Receptionist: You can either send the application packet by regular mail or you can fax it.
Caller: And the application fee?
Receptionist: We accept money orders, travelers checks, or credit cards.
Caller: Alright. I think that's about it.
Receptionist: Okay great.
Caller: Oh and what is your name?
Receptionist: Ok. My name is Tony Nelson. You can just call and ask for me.
Caller: Great. Thank you for help.
Receptionist: No problem and please don't hesitate to call again if you have any other questions.
Caller: Okay. Goodbye.

1. Which was NOT mentioned as part of the purpose of the English Language Center?
A. to help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning
B. to teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work
C. to provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community
2. What is one course taught at the English Language Center?
A. business English
B. US Culture
3. If the Fall semester begins on August 29th, by what date should one apply to the program?
A. May 29th
B. June 29th
C. July 29th
4. What is the tuition for a full-time student?
A. $2030
B. $2300
C. $2013
5. Which one was NOT mentioned as part of the application packet a student must send to the center?
A. sponsorship form
B. high school transcripts 4
C. application fee

1. to provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community
2. business English
3. June 29th
4. $2030
5. high school transcripts


1 functional
  • The telephone was out of order,but is functional now.电话刚才坏了,但现在可以用了。
  • The furniture is not fancy,just functional.这些家具不是摆着好看的,只是为了实用。
2 applicants
申请人,求职人( applicant的名词复数 )
  • There were over 500 applicants for the job. 有500多人申请这份工作。
  • He was impressed by the high calibre of applicants for the job. 求职人员出色的能力给他留下了深刻印象。
3 full-time
  • A full-time job may be too much for her.全天工作她恐怕吃不消。
  • I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。
4 transcripts
n.抄本( transcript的名词复数 );转写本;文字本;副本
  • Like mRNA, both tRNA and rRNA are transcripts of chromosomal DNA. tRNA及rRNA同mRNA一样,都是染色体DNA的转录产物。 来自辞典例句
  • You can't take the transfer students'exam without your transcripts. 没有成绩证明书,你就不能参加转学考试。 来自辞典例句
antiallergic agent
automatic transfer
awards ceremony
base fracture
biomass conversion process
certified agriculture standards
Cervix cornus posterioris
charcoal biscuit
clark resist wire
clean off the balance outstanding
closed end fund
compound yield based on weighted average
confined merchandise
copper junk
dynamic gate
entrapped air
equalizer (connection)
Expert Mouse
feldspathide (feldspathoid)
ferric acetate
fingle frequency noise
flight maneuvers
floating scraper
Forssman's antigen
frictional torque
genus Castoroides
give me a kiss
glycerin abietate
heaving floor
hyperpolarization block
intelligence quotient test
internal cork
kaffir beer
Kurganinskiy Rayon
last call
late glacial deposits
live out a natural life
loose axle
midcourse control
Nizhnyaya Tura
oil processing
overseas economic cooperation fund
Papanicolaou tests
phase of training
phymatotrichum omnivorum(shear)dugger
platygyra daedalea
point section
pole assignment problem
Processus frontosphenoidalis
puccinia actinidiae
random survey
refractive index lightguides
right horizontal stabilizer
sacrificed anode
service supplies
situational specificity
slit width
sour gourds
statistical geology
support requirement
turn on its axis
unit testing
Waukarlycarly, L.
wet method of artificial fertilization
write away for