时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:纯正英语一分钟
- 1 纯正英语一分钟-lies
I wonder if there is anyone in the world who never lies. Not even a small white lie. It seems everyone lies at some point in their life, or their day. Some people are better liars 1 than others. In fact, I often read lying is an art. Children are pretty good at lying. Or perhaps they’re pretty bad, because it’s easy to tell when a child is lying. I read that the more lies children tell, the more intelligent 2 they are. You need to be creative and imaginative 3 to lie. There comes a stage in our lives when most of us stop lying. We are all told that it’s always better to tell the truth. Not all of us do this though. There are many very intelligent people who lie. We even trust them to run our country. I’ve lost count of the number of politicians 4 who have been caught lying.
- The greatest liars talk most of themselves. 最爱自吹自擂的人是最大的说谎者。
- Honest boys despise lies and liars. 诚实的孩子鄙视谎言和说谎者。
- All human beings are much more intelligent than animal.整个人类都比动物聪明得多。
- She was intelligent enough to turn off the gas.她关掉了煤气,够机灵的。
- The imaginative child made up fairy stories.这个想像力丰富的孩子自己编神话故事。
- Scott was an imaginative writer.司格特是位富于想象力的作家。
- Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters. 从政者最终是向选民负责。
- backstairs deals between politicians 政客之间的幕后交易