时间:2018-12-25 作者:英语课 分类:洪恩环境英语



For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and piece of paper.

Jake Seltzer is introducing his report on Stamford.Let's listen

Good morning.I'm Jake Seltzer,and this is "Hello America.

"Today,Stamford is a city of big office buildings.

It didn't use to be.Fifty years ago.it was a city of factories...

At the Stamford Museum,

we looked at all the products that Stamford factories used to make.

Now Jake is going to tell us about these products.

Write down the names of the companies and their products.

Of course the biggest company in Stamford was Yale & Towne.

They used employ four out of five people in this town

and could produce millions of locks a year.

But there were many other compaies.like Machlett Laboratories 1,

who used to make most of the world's glass tubes 2.

Did you know that Stamford used to have two piano companies?

Not one,but twoKroeger was one(my grandmother used to have a living room),

and the other was...let me see.Oh,yes.Davenport.Davenport made a terrific 3 piano.

Both aren't in business anymore.

Fifty years ago.you could buy shoes made right here in Stamford.

T.B.Smart used to be an important company.

Unfortunately,they aren't in business anymore.

But one company that's still in business is Schick,the electric razor 4 company

It's not in Stamford anymore.but it began in Stamford.

In fact,it was Jacob Schick who invented the electric razor.

Good,Now let's see how many products you can remember that used to be made in Stamford.

I say,"Pianos"And you say...Yes,They used to make pianos there.

I say,"How about computers?Did they use to make them in Stamford?"

And you say...No.They didn't use to make computers there.

All right,Here we go.Pianos.Yes,They used to make pianos there.

How about computers?Did they use to make them in Stammford?

No.They didn't use to make computers there.TVs?

No.They didn't use to make TVs there.

What about electric razors 5?Yes,They used to make electric razors there.

And shoes.Did they ever make shoes inStamford?

Yes.They used to make shoes there.

How about electric guitars?Did they use to make them?

No.They didn't use to make electirc guitars there.

And locks?Did they ever make locks in Stamford?

Yes,they used to make locks here.

Well,life in Stamford has changed a lot in the last fifty years.

But then,life is different everywhere,isn't it?

In your town,I bet 6 things aren't the same as they used to be fifty years ago.

There are things people can do now that they couldn't do then.

And I'm sure there are things people could do then that they can't do now,

I'm going to aks you some questions abuot what people could

or couldn't do in your town fifty years ago.

I say."Could they watch the news on TV fifty years ago?"

And you answer...Yes.they could.Or...No.they couldn't.Or...

Maybe they could;maybe they couldn't.I don't know.

The answer depends on what's true for you.

There will be a pause 7 for you to respond 8 after each question.

Ready?Let's begin.

Could people in your town watch the news on TV fifty years ago?

Could they send a letter to a friend in Chicago?

Could they make a telephone call to Honolulu?

Fifty years ago.could women go to the hospital to have a baby?

How about Schick electric razors?

Could the men in your town buy an electric razor?

Could people listen to music on their stereos 9?

Could they do their shopping at a supermarket?

Fifty years ago.could people in your town go to a movie on a Saturday night if they wanted?

Anne meets Steven for lunch at the studio 10.

listen conversation.Just listen.

Steven!Are you all right?Yeah...I think...I think I am.Boy!I did it.

Did what?You look awful.Ran a mile...Well,almost a mile...

And I did it without stopping?

Without stopping?You mean you ran a mile and you didn't stop to rest?Yeah.

I ran the whole distance without stopping to rest.

What do you think of that?What do I think you're crazy.

Now listen and repeat.

Without    without stopping    without stopping to rest

I ran the whole distance

I ran the whole distance without stopping to rest

I ran the whole distance without stopping to rest.OK.I say,"Taking a break."

And you say...I ran the whole distance without taking a break.

I say,Jogged 11.And you say...

I jogged the whole distance without taking a break.Ready?Let's begin.

I ran the whole distance without stopping to rest.

Taking a break.I ran the whole distance without taking a break.

Jogged.I jogged the whole distance without taking a break.

Afternoon I jogged the whole afternoon without taking a break.

Any problem.I jogged the whole afternoon without any problem.

Exercised.I exercised the whole afternoon without any problem.

Steven.Steven exercised the whole afternoon without any problem.

Having a heart attack.

Steven exercised the whole afternoon without having a heart attack.

OK.that's all for now.End of Lesson Six.

1 laboratories
n.实验室( laboratory的名词复数 )
  • For, eight years, Marie Curie worked in cold laboratories with poor equipment. 整整八年,居里夫人在设备简陋、冰冷的实验室里做着实验。 来自英汉非文学 - 科学史
  • Some commercial laboratories use periodic nitrate tests as guides. 许多商业性的试验室已应用定期的硝态氮分析作为指导。 来自辞典例句
2 tubes
n.管( tube的名词复数 );地铁;[军事]炮管;管状物
  • In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • These evening damps and chills play Old Harry with one's bronchial tubes. 夜晚的湿气与寒冷对支气管有害。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
3 terrific
  • The game was terrific.那场比赛棒极了。
  • Darren drove at a terrific speed.达伦以惊人的速度驾车。
4 razor
  • I want to buy an electric razor this weekend.这个周末我想买一个电动剃须刀。
  • A sharp razor gives a close shave.剃刀锋利刮得就干净。
5 razors
n.剃刀,刮面刀( razor的名词复数 )
  • Silicon Valley, and particularly Google, has a brutal variation of Gillette's razors-and-blades business model. 硅谷——尤其是谷歌(Google)——对金?吉列(KingGillette)“剃刀与刀片”(razors-and-blades)的业务模式进行了野蛮的变革。 来自互联网
  • The U.S. is already a mature market for its razors and deodorants. 美国已经是使它的刀片和除臭剂得到充分发展的市场了。 来自辞典例句
6 bet
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
7 pause
  • After a little pause, he went on with his speech.稍停一会儿后,他又继续讲演。
  • He made a pause and then went on reading.他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。
8 respond
  • I offered him a drink but he did not respond.我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。
  • I greeted him but he didn't respond.我跟他打招呼,他没答理我。
9 stereos
立体声( stereo的名词复数 ); 立体声音响器材
  • Stereos have been the ordinary household products. 立体声音响装置已经成为普遍家庭用品。
  • What do you do when you're not buying stereos?Finance revolutions? 你不买音响的时候都干些什么?融资革命吗?
10 studio
  • They are building a modern studio.他们正在修建一座现代化的摄影室。
  • He had to spend long hours in the recording studio.他不得不花很长的时间在录音室里。
11 jogged
adj.接合的,啮合的v.(使)慢走,慢跑( jog的过去式和过去分词 );轻敲,轻推
  • He jogged out to see what happened. 他慢吞吞地走出去看外边发生了什么事。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The old horse jogged along. 老马慢吞吞地向前走着。 来自《简明英汉词典》
absolute indirect addressing
aerial for television transmitter
alternating tension and compression
array for real-time geostrophic oceanography (argo)
benzo light blue fr
breast the tape
bulk bread
Cerasus yunnanensis
chimney pot
color meter
combined immunodeficiency syndrome
concentrating pan
cow bitten
cranial sympathetic system
cumulative timing
directly ionizing radiation
disease natural history
dome cells
Doppler beam sharpening
emergent evolution
essence of a contract
Evil one,the
failure processing
food fishes
forceless deep pulse
glutamatergic pathway
hard over
Hertwig epithelial root sheath
Honda alloy
in contact
john davyss
Lindblad resonance
master clutch brake
Matthew Walker knot
medium-frequency oscillator
overlapped memorys
parthenocissus himalayana (royle) planch.
plate streak
pulse repetition (or recurrence) period
pyre (egypt)
quiescent chamber
reciprocity curve
regular solid
roughing tooth profile
sorting inspection
sticta wrightii
stone mulching
temporary removal
thermal receiver
thermochromic display
turkey in the straw
ulex europaeuss
volume quotation system
wave power generating ship
wet willies
white blood cell