时间:2018-11-29 作者:英语课 分类:2015 MTV 音乐录影带


III. Telegraph 1 Ave. (Oakland by Lloyd)-Childish Gambino

Power 2 106!

LA, it's ya girl, Yesi Ortiz

Got 3 some brand-new music

I need y'all to turn it up and tell me what you think

It's Lloyd called "Oakland" on Power 106

I was 4 making Japanese 5

And she's watching DVDs

In Oakland, in Oakland

Now I'm driving up the 5

And she waits till 6 I arrive

In Oakland, in Oakland

Everything, that I wanted

Only gotta drive for the moment

If you tell me "turn around," then I'm on it

For the moment, but you know me

You know how I get when I'm lonely 7

I think about you and the moments

Foot on the gas 9

I'm just trying to pass

All the red lights

And the stop signs

I'm ready to go

Before I get to The Bay 10

Babe, that's a problem 11

Because I'm way too scared 13 to call

And you might 14 get me to stay, and oh

I don't really mind 15 the drive

But I think I'd rather 16 die 17

In Oakland, in Oakland

With my hands on two and ten

So I guess it all depends 18

On Oakland, on Oakland

And I'm nervous 19, truth 20 be told

I never saw 21 me growing old

In Oakland, in Oakland

And if I married 22 you tonight

It would 23 probably 24 start a riot 25

In Oakland, in Oakland

Everything, that I needed

Now that I got you in your feelings 27

Everything you won't say, you tweet it

And a nigga don’t like that shit at all

So treated 28

Can we just roll 29 with the feeling 26?

Can we just roll for a minute?

Wait a minute

Foot on the gas

I'm just trying to pass

All the red lights

And the stop signs

I'm ready to go

But I'm really not ready, girl

That's a problem

Cause 12 I'm way too scared to fall

And I know you choose to stay, and oh

All the girlfriends 30 saying 31 "here we go again"

Rich kid 32 but he act 33 like a gentleman 34

Last one didn't end like it should've been

Two dates and he still wanna get it in

And they're saying it's because of the Internet 35

Try her once and it's on to the next chick

X-O the O face on your exes...right?

And we can do the same thing if you wanna have at it

When your thoughts 36 can't breathe 37 and you thinking 38 asthmatic

And you wanna be a mom and I wasn't mad 39 at her

I was thinking 'bout 8 me, I'd be really bad at it

Cause I'm thinking 'bout me, weeks in Dubai

Fourth 40 of July, house in Kauai, yeah we can try

So let's try

I took 41 off 42 my nine to five

But you still don't have the time to kiss 43 me (just hit me)

And if I left you all alone 44, would you still pick 45 up the phone?

It's iffy, you miss me

I got furniture 46 to move, and we'll both be thirty soon

In Oakland, in Oakland

The only one I know is you, so the fuck I'm supposed 47 to do?

In Oakland, in Oakland (x8)

1 telegraph
  • A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities.那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线。
  • Telegraph communication was broken off.电讯中断了。
2 power
  • He lost his power of speech.他失去了说话的能力。
  • It is not in my power to do that.做那事非我力所能及。
3 got
  • I just got some bad news.我刚得到一些坏消息。
  • I have got far too much work to do.我要做的事太多了。
4 was
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
5 Japanese
  • This is of Japanese make.这是日本制造的。
  • He began to learn Japanese three years ago.3年前他开始学日语。
6 till
  • It was not till 11 o'clock that he came back last night.昨晚直到11点他才回来。
  • You can come to my house till all hours.你多晚来我家都没关系。
7 lonely
  • The place is a bit lonely.那个地方有点荒凉。
  • I don't feel lonely as I've made new friends here. 我在这里又交了新朋友,一点也不寂寞。
8 bout
  • I was suffering with a bout of nerves.我感到一阵紧张。
  • That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her.那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。
9 gas
  • I seem to smell gas.我好像闻到煤气味儿。
  • There are several kinds of gas in the air.空气中有几种气体。
10 bay
  • I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight.我喜欢星光下的海湾风景。
  • Dogs sometimes bay at the moon.狗有时会朝着月亮吠叫。
11 problem
  • The problem is ongoing.这个问题尚未解决。
  • This problem is too hard for me to solve.这个问题太难,我解决不了。
12 cause
  • Bad teeth often cause pain.坏牙常引起疼痛。
  • Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.不开心是他生病的根源。
13 scared
  • I'm scared to fly in an airplane.我怕坐飞机。
  • Honey,I'm scared to death.亲爱的我害怕得要命。
14 might
  • It looks as if it might snow.看起来好像要下雪了。
  • Might I ask a question?我能问个问题吗?
15 mind
  • I've changed my mind.我一经转变主意。
  • You really don't mind?你真的不介意?
16 rather
  • I would rather go out tonight,if you don't mind. 如果你不介意的话,我宁愿今晚出去。
  • This book is rather too easy for this boy.这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单。
17 die
  • Flowers will die without water.没有水,花就会枯死。
  • We shall die some day.我们总有一天要弃世而去。
18 depends
v.依靠( depend的第三人称单数 );依赖;信赖;决定于
  • The success or failure of the plan depends on you. 这项计划的成败取决于你。
  • Our future prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。
19 nervous
  • He feels nervous when he faces so many people.面对那么多人,他感到紧张。
  • He was over nervous.他太紧张了。
20 truth
  • We must find out the truth of the matter.我们必须弄清楚事情的真相。
  • You may trust me that I'm speaking the truth.你可以相信我在说实话。
21 saw
  • Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?
  • The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的气。
22 married
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。
23 would
  • Why would you say that?为什么你会这么说?
  • Would you please help me?你能帮帮我吗?
24 probably
  • Next year I shall probably be looking for a job. 明年我很可能找份工作。
  • We're going on holiday soon,probably next month.我们很快要去度假了,可能是下个月。
25 riot
  • They had to call the police in order to put down the riot.他们只得叫来警察以平定骚乱。
  • Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour.百花盛开,万紫千红。
26 feeling
  • I am feeling better now.我现在觉得好些了。
  • I'm feeling kind of tired.我感到有点累。
27 feelings
n.感情;情绪;心情;情感;感觉( feeling的名词复数 );感情;同情;知觉
  • She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work. 她因离开自己的孩子去工作而感到内疚。
  • Are you being completely honest about your feelings? 你丝毫没有隐瞒你的感情吗?
28 treated
  • He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated. 他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。
  • I was treated with the utmost courtesy by the staff. 我受到了工作人员极有礼貌的接待。
29 roll
  • We will need to roll up the paper.我们得把这纸卷起来。
  • I'll call the roll before class.课前我要点名。
30 girlfriends
n.女朋友( girlfriend的名词复数 );女情人;女伴
  • Alice's girlfriends were green with envy when they saw her new dress. 爱丽丝的女友们看到她的新衣服很妒忌。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • That handsome fellow has lots of moolah and many hopeful girlfriends. 那个英俊的家伙又有钱又有许多想成为他女友的人。 来自辞典例句
31 saying
  • Saying and doing are two things.说和做是两码事。
  • I know a chinese saying.我知道一句中国谚语。
32 kid
  • The kid was playing with his ball.孩子在玩皮球。
  • Look at that cute kid.瞧瞧这可爱的小家伙。
33 act
  • Welcome to watch my act.欢迎观看我的表演
  • Think well before you act.三思而后行
34 gentleman
  • He is a real gentleman.他是一个真正的君子。
  • If he is anything of a gentleman,he will pay the money.倘若他是位真君子,他会付这笔钱的。
35 internet
  • You can find it on the Internet.你可以在因特网上找到它。
  • I surf the Internet two hours a day.我每天上网冲浪两个小时。
36 thoughts
n.思想( thought的名词复数 );想法;关心;思索
  • She struggled to articulate her thoughts. 她竭力表明她的想法。
  • Music from the next room obtruded upon his thoughts. 隔壁的音乐声打扰了他的思绪。
37 breathe
  • We have to breathe in and out so many times a minute.我们每分钟都得呼吸那么多次。
  • How does a fish breathe under water?鱼在水里怎么呼吸?
38 thinking
  • All thinking men will protest against it.凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
  • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols.思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
39 mad
  • Don't fight with him, he is a mad man.别跟他打架, 他是疯子。
  • Mother gets mad with me for coming home late.妈妈为我回家迟了而发火。
40 fourth
  • The fourth lesson is science.第四节是科学课。
  • The Fourth of July is the national holiday of the US.七月四日是美国国庆日。
41 took
  • I took my dog for a walk along the river.我带着狗沿那条河散步。
  • It took me about two hours to cook the meat.我花了大约两个小时来煮这些肉。
42 off
  • You'd better cool off first.你最好先冷静下来。
  • I need some time off.我需要一些时间休息。
43 kiss
  • Sweetie,let me kiss you.亲爱的,让我来亲一下。
  • My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead.妈妈吻了我的前额。
44 alone
  • He often makes a round trip to the hospital alone.他经常一个人往返医院。
  • It is dangerous for a girl to go out alone at night.一个女孩夜里单独外出是危险的。
45 pick
n.精选,掘;鹤嘴锄;vt.摘,掘,凿,挑选,挖,挑剔;vi. 摘,掘,凿,挖,挑选
  • Please don't pick the flowers.请勿攀折花木。
  • We are going to pick apples.我们要去摘苹果。
46 furniture
  • This set of the furniture is very good.这套家具非常好。
  • The room was full of wooden furniture.房间里摆满了木制家具。
47 supposed
adj.(按规定、法律、协议等)(不)应当;假定的;(只用于否定句)不准;(对某人所说的话表示气愤或不大理解)那是什么意思v.料想( suppose的过去式和过去分词);意味着;[用于被动语态]认为应该;[用于祈使句]让
  • Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral. 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。
  • I was supposed to be writing a letter but I'm afraid I got sidetracked . 我本来应该在写信,但后来恐怕是分心干别的去了。
(musculus rhomboideus dorsalis (dorsi))
acoustic scattering
antenna tilt
artificer's knot
automatic switchover
axis of collimation
Bridge Battery
canary wines
cardboard cut - out
certificate of naturalization
chock liner
Citrullus colocynthis Schrad.
corroded mutant
criss cross method
cyclic pump
dental precentive treatment
diagonal splicing
different quality
Dnieper R.
dual feasible condition
dwarf chestnuts
edge chromatic number
El Salto
electrooptical modulation transfer functions
first-in-first-out queue (fifo)
genus Micropogonias
give sb a leg-up
going hungry
high-pressure admission
Hope R.
Huanghe deposit
hydrological cycle
hyphodontia crustosa
ichang limestone
justifiable nitrogen
lazy eights
lettres sur la danse et les ballets
male aristocrats
net markdown
normal hydrocarbon
observed value
Oklo phenomena
physically unclonable function
pneumatolytic stage
preoral gut
propeller drive shaft
property page
radial flow reaction turbine
routing algorithm
row-crop tractor
sawbuck table
serpulorbis xenophorus
seventh nerve
shining ore
silver graphite brush
spike discharge
stomach clamp
suction fan gas freeing
three arm mooring
time compressed multiplex
triggering edge
true corpus luteum
union-hose connector
wild host