新西兰英语 456 John Key in India
The Prime 1 Minister, John Key, is visiting three cities in India this week, New Delhi, Agra and Mumbai. Yesterday he and his wife had a private visit to the Taj Mahal and today he met the Indian Prime Minister, Monmohan Singh.
The main purpose of the visit is for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India. New Zealand wants India to remove import taxes on New Zealand agricultural products like dairy 2 products, and horticultural products like kiwi fruit. India has a population of more than 1 billion people. Many of them are middle class and want some of our food in their supermarkets. The Minister of Trade, Tim Groser, and 25 New Zealand business leaders accompanied Mr Key.
New Zealand would also like Bollywood to make some of their movies in our country. John Key is the Minister of Tourism as well as the Prime Minister. He would like more tourists from India and more students coming to study in New Zealand.
New Zealand and India are both countries which enjoy cricket 3. Stephen Fleming was a captain of the Black Caps (the New Zealand cricket team). He is now a coach in India. He and John Key had a little fun on the cricket grounds in New Delhi. Local people were delighted. New Zealand is offering sports scholarships for students to come to our country to study for a sports qualification like coaching cricket.
agriculture – farming animals
horticulture – growing fruit, vegetables and other plants
delighted – very pleased
1. Trade has to be two-way. What can India sell to New Zealand?
2. How can we encourage Indian people to come to New Zealand? One problem is the distance. At the moment, tourists have to take two planes. What are some of the other problems and how can they be overcome?
- The prime minister spoke of the general insecurity in the country.总理谈到了全国普遍存在的不安全。
- He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour.他和日本首相会见了一个小时。
- The yogurt sold by this dairy is delicious.这家乳品店出售的酸奶非常好喝。
- He kept a few dairy cows.他养了几头奶牛。