时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新编大学英语阅读部分



In-Class Reading
Time Spent Agonizing 1 over Money

I. Word List
Directions: Memorize the words and phrases before class. You will benefit from your effort when you get the passage from your teacher and read it in class.

Proper Names

n. 《圣经》


Dow Jones Industrial Average


Ford 2

John Wesley

Kahlil Gibran

Leo Tolstoy

Main Street


The Wall Street Journal

Thomas Edison

Wall Street
New Words

action *
n. 行为
e.g. His kind action saved my life.

affect *
v. 影响
e.g. I think all the worry has affected 3 my brain.

afford *
v. be able to buy or pay for
e.g. Thanks to the success of the business, we can afford a holiday.

agonize 4
v. suffer great anxiety or worry intensely (about something) 痛苦
e.g. She agonized 5 for days about whether she should take the job.

amass 6
v. collect (money, goods, power, etc.) in great amounts, usually over a long period (尤指大量的)积累
e.g. He carefully amassed 7 evidence to support his case.

aspire 8
v. have a strong ambition to achieve something 渴望成就某事物
e.g. She aspires 9 to become president.

bankrupt *
adj. unable to pay one's debts 破产
e.g. The company went bankrupt because it couldn't sell its products.

bankruptcy 10
n. 破产事件

n. (especially US) 十亿

breed *
n. a type of person 类型,种类
e.g. This required a special skill and a whole new breed of actors.

consume *
1) use time, energy, goods, etc. 消费,消耗
e.g. The car consumes a lot of fuel.
2) fill the thoughts or feelings continuously, especially in a damaging way 心中总想着
e.g. As a teenager, I was consumed by passion for a film star I would never meet.

consumer *
n. a person who buys goods or services for their own use 消费者
e.g. Consumers want better, safer products.

contribute *
v. help to cause something 促成,导致
e.g. Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?

dealer 11
n. 商人

depart *
v. leave or go away 离开
e.g. Before you depart, let me give you a word of advice.

elusive 12
adj. difficult to catch, find or remember 难以达到的

evil *
n. 罪恶
e.g. This novel is just another story about the battle between good and evil.

n. a female sheep 母羊

factor *
n. 因素
e.g. Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the accident.

fashioned *
e.g. old-fashioned 老式的

financial *
adj. relating to or involving money 财政的,经济的
e.g. The company was in deep financial difficulties.

founder 13 *
n. person who founds or establishes something 创建者,缔造者
e.g. She is the founder and director of the company.

fund *
n. a sum of money saved or collected 资金
e.g. The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.

govern *
v. control and direct 统治,管理
e.g. Do genes 14 govern all characteristics of an individual?

hoard 15
v. collect something and store it away 储藏,积聚

industrial *
adj. 工业的
e.g. industrial city/nation

invention *
n. 发明 (物)
e.g. the scientific inventions of the 20th century

inventor *
n. 发明家
e.g. Television as we have it now is the product of many inventors.

journal *
n. a serious magazine or newspaper which is published regularly, usually about a specialist subject 报纸,定期刊物
e.g. Each club member will receive a journal four times a year which contains a mixture of news, reviews and articles.

labor 16 *
v. work hard 辛苦劳作
e.g. She was very tired--she'd been laboring 17 in the garden for hours.

lamb *
n. a young sheep 羊羔

lest *
conj.in order to prevent any possibility that (something will happen) 惟恐,以免
e.g. He ran away lest he should be seen.

miserable 18 *
adj. very unhappy 痛苦的
e.g. She's been so miserable since her dog died.

mortgage *
n. an agreement which allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization 抵押
e.g. They took out a $ 400,000 mortgage to buy the house.

v. earn a particular amount of money as a profit after taxes have been paid 净赚

n. 食品储藏室

patent *
v. 取得专利权
e.g. If you don't patent your inventions, someone might steal your idea.

peacefully *
adv. quietly, calmly 平静地
e.g. They lived there peacefully and happily.

penniless *
adj. having no money; very poor 身无分文的
e.g. The debt-collectors took all his money, and he was left completely penniless.

purchase *
n. an act of buying 购买
e.g. He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.

rare *
adj. unusual, not common 稀少的
e.g. It's rare for me to have this time to watch television.

raw *
adj. in the natural state, not yet treated for use 未经加工的
e.g. raw sugar 粗糖 raw silk 生丝

spin *
v. (spun, spun) 纺(线);纺(纱)
e.g. Wool is made by spinning the fleece (羊毛) from sheep.

stock *
n. 证券,股票
e.g. They own 20% of the company's stocks.

sum *
n. an amount of money 一笔钱
e.g. It will cost an enormous sum to repair the swimming pool.

v. drive a car to see if it works correctly or if you like it so that you can decide if you want to buy it 试开

thirst *
n. feeling caused by a desire or need to drink 渴;渴望
e.g. The traveler in the desert suffered from thirst.

vacation *
n. (especially US) holiday 假日

wagon 19 *
n. 旅行车,小型客车

wealthy *
adj. rich 富有的
e.g. Her wealthy family sent her to Switzerland to be educated.

Time Spent Agonizing over Money

1 Within hours of a recent major stock market drop, I telephoned my Ford dealer and ordered the station wagon that I test-drove the day before. As my friends not so subtly pointed 20 out, the Dow Jones Industrial Average didn't have much to do with my financial situation and shouldn't affect my purchase. Besides, my old car had caused me headaches for months.
2 Still, I spent the evening asking myself: Could I afford a new car? Should I be saving instead of spending? Would we need to cut back on vacations?
3 On the list of items people worry about, money is almost always at the top.
4 A study in The Wall Street Journal found that 70 percent of the public lives from paycheck to paycheck. Mortgage debt has increased 300 percent since 1975, and consumer bankruptcies 21 are at an all-time high. Most marriages that fail list financial problems as a contributing factor.
5 When the Dow fell 554 points last October, millions of people lost billions of dollars, on paper anyway. There was expert anxiety on Wall Street and old-fashioned worry on Main Street. Our reaction confirmed what we already knew: We are a people consumed by financial stress.

A "Raw Material"

6 As the Bible tells us, worrying about money-or anything else for that matter-won't do us any good. "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Jesus asked. "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow? They do not labor or spin."
7 In my heart, I aspire to be like those lilies. But in my head, I feel a need to hoard.
8 It is an unusual person who can live free from financial stress, or who can spend money on others as easily as he spends it on himself.
9 Thomas Edison was one of that rare breed. Had the great inventor stored his money, he would have died a wealthy man. His first successful invention netted him $ 40,000, a huge sum in 1869. During his lifetime, he patented 1,093 inventions, yet he departed the world penniless.
10 Years later, his son Charles recalled his father's approach to money: "He considered it a raw material, like metal, to be used rather than amassed, and so he kept plowing 23 his funds back into new objects. Several times he was all but bankrupt. But he refused to let dollar signs govern his actions. "
11 John Wesley was the same. The founder of Methodism had the highest earned income in 18th century England, but he gave it all away. His philosophy about money was simple: "Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can."

Root of Evil?

12 Money may not be the root of all evil, but if it keeps us up at night, it has become way too important in our lives.
13 That was the lesson of Leo Tolstoy's tale "Elias", which told of a rich farm couple who lost all their money and were forced to take jobs as servants.
14 A guest one day asked the wife if she was miserable being poor, especially in light of the great wealth she had once enjoyed. The woman's answer-that she was happier than ever before-surprised the visitor.
15 "When we were rich, my husband and I had so many cares that we had no time to talk to one another, or to think of our souls, or to pray to God," the wife explained. "We lay awake at night worrying, lest the ewes should lie on their lambs, and we got up again and again to see that all was well... Now, when my husband and I wake in the morning, we always greet each other in love and harmony. We live peacefully, having nothing to worry about."
16 For most of us, financial security is an elusive goal. No matter how much we have, it's not enough. Kahlil Gibran put it this way: "The fear of need, when the pantry is full, is the thirst that can not be satisfied."
17 When the stock market falls, we can panic, hoard, and worry if we have enough. Or we can take a deep breath and remember: money is merely a raw material to be plowed 24 back into something else. (702 words)

Time taken: ____ minutes

Phrases and Expressions

all but
almost 几乎
e.g. The party was all but over when we arrived.

cut back on
reduce something greatly 减少
e.g. Many schools are cutting back on staff at the moment.

do ... good
benefit 对......有利
e.g. The government could do a lot of good by sending aid to the area.

for that matter
used to say that what you are saying about one thing is also true about something else (用于补充或语气递进的陈述)而且
e.g. Ben never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that matter.

have...to do with 与......有关
e.g. Do you think his bad mood has anything to do with what I said?

in (the) light of
in view of, considering something 鉴于,由于
e.g. In light of these changes we must change our plan.

keep... up
prevent somebody from going to bed 使......无法入睡
e.g. I do hope we're not keeping you up.

plow 22 back
put money that you have earned back into a business in order to make the business bigger and more successful 把(利润)再投资
e.g. Profits from ticket sales are plowed back into further conservation (保护) projects.

point out
direct attention to something 指出
e.g. The officer pointed out that the story was somewhat hard to believe.

1 agonizing
  • I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not. 我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。
  • his father's agonizing death 他父亲极度痛苦的死
2 Ford
  • They were guarding the bridge,so we forded the river.他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。
  • If you decide to ford a stream,be extremely careful.如果已决定要涉过小溪,必须极度小心。
3 affected
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
4 agonize
  • Why do you agonize yourself with the thought of your failure?你为何总是对于你的失败念念不忘而自我折磨呢?
  • There's no reason to agonize over telling people you're job hunting.没有理由为告诉他人你正在找工作而感到苦恼。
5 agonized
v.使(极度)痛苦,折磨( agonize的过去式和过去分词 );苦斗;苦苦思索;感到极度痛苦
  • All the time they agonized and prayed. 他们一直在忍受痛苦并且祈祷。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • She agonized herself with the thought of her loss. 她念念不忘自己的损失,深深陷入痛苦之中。 来自辞典例句
6 amass
  • How had he amassed his fortune?他是如何积累财富的呢?
  • The capitalists amass great wealth by exploiting workers.资本家剥削工人而积累了巨额财富。
7 amassed
v.积累,积聚( amass的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。
  • They have amassed a fortune in just a few years. 他们在几年的时间里就聚集了一笔财富。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 aspire
  • Living together with you is what I aspire toward in my life.和你一起生活是我一生最大的愿望。
  • I aspire to be an innovator not a follower.我迫切希望能变成个开创者而不是跟随者。
9 aspires
v.渴望,追求( aspire的第三人称单数 )
  • The fame to which he aspires was beyond his reach. 他追求的名誉乃是他所不能及的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • An old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li. 老骥伏枥,志在千里。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 bankruptcy
  • You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。
  • His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy.他的商号正面临破产的危险。
11 dealer
  • The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.那个商人为购买那幅画花了几个小时讨价还价。
  • The dealer reduced the price for cash down.这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。
12 elusive
  • Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。
  • Interpol have searched all the corners of the earth for the elusive hijackers.国际刑警组织已在世界各地搜查在逃的飞机劫持者。
13 Founder
  • He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school.他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。
  • According to the old tradition,Romulus was the founder of Rome.按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。
14 genes
n.基因( gene的名词复数 )
  • You have good genes from your parents, so you should live a long time. 你从父母那儿获得优良的基因,所以能够活得很长。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Differences will help to reveal the functions of the genes. 它们间的差异将会帮助我们揭开基因多种功能。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 生物技术的世纪
15 hoard
  • They have a hoard of food in the basement.地下室里有他们贮藏的食物。
  • How many curios do you hoard in your study?你在你书房里聚藏了多少古玩?
16 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
17 laboring
n.劳动,操劳v.努力争取(for)( labor的现在分词 );苦干;详细分析;(指引擎)缓慢而困难地运转
  • The young man who said laboring was beneath his dignity finally put his pride in his pocket and got a job as a kitchen porter. 那个说过干活儿有失其身份的年轻人最终只能忍辱,做了厨房搬运工的工作。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • But this knowledge did not keep them from laboring to save him. 然而,这并不妨碍她们尽力挽救他。 来自飘(部分)
18 miserable
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
19 wagon
  • We have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
  • The muddy road bemired the wagon.马车陷入了泥泞的道路。
20 pointed
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
21 bankruptcies
n.破产( bankruptcy的名词复数 );倒闭;彻底失败;(名誉等的)完全丧失
  • It's a matter of record that there were ten bankruptcies in the town last year. 去年这个城市有十家破产是事实。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Business bankruptcies rose 50 percent over the previous year. 破产企业的数量比前一年增加50%。 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件
22 plow
  • At this time of the year farmers plow their fields.每年这个时候农民们都在耕地。
  • We will plow the field soon after the last frost.最后一场霜过后,我们将马上耕田。
23 plowing
v.耕( plow的现在分词 );犁耕;费力穿过
  • "There are things more important now than plowing, Sugar. "如今有比耕种更重要的事情要做呀,宝贝儿。 来自飘(部分)
  • Since his wife's death, he has been plowing a lonely furrow. 从他妻子死后,他一直过着孤独的生活。 来自辞典例句
24 plowed
v.耕( plow的过去式和过去分词 );犁耕;费力穿过
  • They plowed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland. 他们犁了将近10万英亩未开垦的高沼地。 来自辞典例句
  • He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 他先翻土,然后播种。 来自辞典例句
ain deheb
alveolar processes
calculated on
carry authority
char revivifying kiln
collateral accessory buds
complete valuation ring
construction of small towns
consumer electronics
core groups
cornish stone (china stone)
delayed call
epinephelus bruneus
eye splice
forced heir
forward switching loss
freight rate war
funds in float
Garrisdale Point
graded index fiber coupling efficiency
heatr resistance
hemolytic chain
Henry Luce
high-frequency small power transistor
hitching bar
I Heard You Using the Microwave
instrumental drift
internal wheel spindle
ion (ic) exchange
legitimi haeredes
likely to
Loudon County
mentha longifolias
mosaic culture
motor ganglia
neuromuscular depolarizing agent
non-operating earnings
obsolescent product
oil tank vent
optimal searching method
oxidized paraffin
payload platform
perforated iron cathode
reactive thrust
reentry similar trajectories
refrigerant bottle
replay characteristic
replica surface
reservoir static data
retort sponge
river cross section
single valved
spring-tine harrow
spur gear set
steel reinforced
tee pipe
terminating trunk centre
tractor ride
turbo generator lighting of train
underwriting's guarantee
Viola acutifolia
watertight luminaire
weather satellite data
wide range