新西兰英语 358 New Auckland City
- 1 新西兰英语 358 New Auckland City
The new Auckland City came into existence today with early morning celebrations. Celebrations continued when the new mayor, Len Brown, and 20 councillors were sworn in this evening. The new council will meet tomorrow morning at 9am, ready for business.
Auckland city extends from Franklin district in the south to Rodney district in the north. It has a population of 1.4 million. One city council replaces eight councils. There are 21 local boards to manage local matters.
Setting up this new city has cost $200m. However, staff numbers have been cut from 9430 to 8207 with a saving of $66.5m. The mayor, Len Brown, has plans to spend money on public transport improvements, especially rail, and build a convention centre and cruise ship terminal. It is not clear where the money will come from as he has promised no increases to property rates, except for inflation. He is hoping that central government will help to fund these major projects. He also plans to make Auckland an eco-city, showing care for the environment.
1. How can Auckland show that it is an eco-city?
2. Why should all of New Zealand pay for Auckland’s projects?
3. If you are an Aucklander, what changes would you like to see?