音乐咖啡厅:Whatever this town 北欧Eskobar的清凉声音
- 1 音乐咖啡厅:Whatever this town 北欧Eskobar的清凉声音
Eskobar-whatever this town
If you try to get close to me, be prepared, it might hurt
cause i live like the human i am so my nails, will catch some dirt
dont expect a knight 1 on a horse to come rescue the princess in you
I got me on my mind , i put myself first and so should you
mmm...don’t you listen to the choir 2 of jealous people full of hate
if they have nothing better in their life i swear inside they ache...they ache
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
What you see right now is who i am
If you find this too hard to survive, please think before u say farewell
without the history of my past i would be, an empty shell
the bags that we carry around contain fragments of yesterday
the heavier load, the harder to cope, but gas for the grey
mmm...don’t you listen to the choir of jealous people full of hate
if they have nothing better in their life i swear inside they ache...they ache
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
What you see right now is who i am
There’s nothing that they can do, this city hasn’t already done
there’s no need to be scared so i laugh in their face when they pull their gun
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
I’ll still be around, when the final bell rings
Whatever this town, makes you think of me
What you see right now is who i am
Eskobar,来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Dream-Pop/Rock团,组建于1996年,主唱,吉他和鼓手分别是Daniel Belleqvist,Feredrick Zall和Robert Birming。在正式组团前他们在距离斯德哥尔摩北部30000米的小镇舓ersberga玩音乐,直到1999年他们拿到V2公司的一纸合约,出版单曲唱片On A Train,第二年发行首张专辑Till We\'re Dead,四年后,这张A Thousand Last Chances出版。
个人开始听瑞典音乐也是近来的事了,因为迷上了瑞典的电影。从很多年前就开始熟悉的The Cardigans,Sophie Zelmani,Club 8,Kent等开始,无论是重温之前的“旧爱”还是新识像Eskobar这样的新东西,我总是带着一种挥之不去的迷惑:生活,情感之间的距离和温度。
Eskobar是那种像呢喃细语一样,也像丝绸和黄历的纸页般陈旧圆润的感觉。初识之时我便被Cold Night的旋律吸引住了,混淆性别的男声,感伤如Elliott Smith一般的歌词,我不想让辞藻的过度修饰掩盖了音乐本身的魅力,Cold Night是让文字开始无力的音乐,好似穿过黑暗的玻璃,到达信仰的彼岸之感,那种疏离让人在恐惧过后开始无尽的沉默。
但并非这张专辑都是这么的轻柔,抛开对Cold Night,Freedom和Even If You Know Me这样的相对缓慢但能更好体现主唱特质嗓音的歌的偏爱,其他的歌曲则一点也不像封面所描述的那般迷离和忧伤,You Got Me,Bring The Action, Big Sleeper 3 ,Love Comes First这些歌曲则偏像英式流行,这或许是因为乐队之前不断改组,并且曾是做Grunge的缘故。
Fly On The Wall则是一首相当耐听的曲子,节奏的有序带着点画面感,你会很想缓慢走动着,然后不断的幻想,而Even If You Know Me则反映出某种孤独来袭,有时候,我们谁都不想去理会,只想做片刻的自己。
不过整体听看,A Thousand Last Chances给人的感觉异常阴柔和迷幻,他们并非小心的去勾勒这样的错乱和倒置,但那种鲜明的映画感和官能感令人再度有了迷惑。听着Eskobar,就像是身处一个黑白的超现实世界中,在一个距离北极圈不远的等待极昼极夜的地方,白天和黑夜并没有来,却等来了一场不安分的雨,于是此时,人们的情绪开始落寞起来,坐下思考,我们发觉还有希望,生活好似倒影,好似一梦之隔,绝望之时无须痛也无须哭,静坐,变得没有感受而理智起来——其实它就如同生活点滴,甚至就是.
- He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
- A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
- The choir sang the words out with great vigor.合唱团以极大的热情唱出了歌词。
- The church choir is singing tonight.今晚教堂歌唱队要唱诗。