时间:2018-12-02 作者:英语课 分类:2012年NPR美国国家公共电台3月


 Republican voters in Louisiana weigh in on the party's field of presidential hopefuls today. Hopes are high in Rick Santorum's campaign after Mitt 1 Romney crushed opponents in Illinois. NPR's Don Gonyea is in Lafayette, Louisiana for the vote. He reports that despite very good weather, so far voter turnout has been low. Speaking to voters there, Gonyea has learned that even though their candidate is behind in delegates, Santorum’s supporters believe that he can run and win against Barack Obama in November.

They say Romney has not wrapped up the nomination 2 yet. So they are voting for Santorum out of their conviction, and person after person has told me that, that Santorum is the guy who is better equipped to take on Barack Obama - President Obama in the fall. That's what I’m hearing over and over. They don't quite want to hear the delegates mess just yet. 
NPR's Don Gonyea reporting from Lafayette, Louisiana.
A few hours from now, President Obama will land in Seoul, South Korea for an international summit on nuclear security. NPR's David Schaper has more.
The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit is focused on taking steps to better protect nuclear materials and facilities and preventing them from falling to the wrong hands. Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, says he doubts the summit will produce any kind of historic new doctrine 3. The goal, he says, is to get about a dozen countries to make specific promises about how they will reduce nuclear danger.
“Though Obama is going to a summit, a half way around the world where he is really sort of playing small ball in the way. But it's an absolutely crucial small ball for the safety of the planet.”
O'Hanlon says it’s also no accident that the summit is being held in South Korea, even though North Korea's nuclear program is not specifically on the summit agenda. David Schaper, NPR News.
The former CEO of the commodities broker 4 MF Global is denying that he directed the misuse 5 of client money before the firm filed for bankruptcy 6 last fall. From member station WNYC, Ilya Marritz reports Jon Corzine's statements contradict a newly surfaced email from one of his former employees.
The email was obtained by a House committee which is called the staffer Edith O’Brien to testify next week. A snippet from this message seems to say that Jon Corzine personally directed the withdrawal 7 of 200 million dollars from the accounts of MF Global customers in the firm's final days. Securities laws require that customer money be held separately from other accounts, but more than a billion dollars of MF Global clients’ cash is still considered missing. Corzine, through an attorney, says he never gave any instruction to misuse customer funds. For NPR News, I'm Ilya Marritz in New York.
The people of Mexico are giving Pope Benedict an emotional welcome. He says he is praying for all in need.
This is NPR News.
Across the nation, thousands continue to rally to the cause of Trayvon Martin, the Sanford, Florida teenager who died in a scuffle with a neighborhood watch volunteer. That volunteer, George Zimmerman, has acknowledged firing his gun, and his lawyer says it was in self-defense. The black teenager was not armed, and the Justice Department is investigating. Meanwhile, Indiana researchers say they have found that if the individual is holding a gun, in some cases he may have a higher expectation that another person is too. Sean Bueter of member station WBOI in Fort Wayne, Indiana explains.
The study asked subjects to look at multiple photos of people holding everyday objects and identify whether or not there was a gun in the picture. They were asked to do this once while holding a neutral object and again while holding a toy gun. It turns out respondents holding a gun had a significantly higher tendency to perceive guns in the test photos, even if no weapon was present. Purdue psychology 8 professor Jessica Witt says the results are disconcerting. She says most of the time, human perception works just fine.
“But then when it doesn't work the way it's supposed to in a case of misperception of the environment, then some horrible things can happen.”
The research will appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. For NPR News, I'm Sean Bueter in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
A large fishing vessel 9 has been spotted 10 adrift in the Pacific off the coast of British Columbia. Authorities say it's from Japan and likely swept away by the tsunami 11 that devastated 12 Japan last year. It's believed no one is on board, and there are fears it could pose a navigational hazard.
I'm Louise Schiavone, NPR News, Washington.

1 mitt
  • I gave him a baseball mitt for his birthday.为祝贺他的生日,我送给他一只棒球手套。
  • Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag.汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。
2 nomination
  • John is favourite to get the nomination for club president.约翰最有希望被提名为俱乐部主席。
  • Few people pronounced for his nomination.很少人表示赞成他的提名。
3 doctrine
  • He was impelled to proclaim his doctrine.他不得不宣扬他的教义。
  • The council met to consider changes to doctrine.宗教议会开会考虑更改教义。
4 broker
  • He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。
  • I'm a real estate broker.我是不动产经纪人。
5 misuse
  • It disturbs me profoundly that you so misuse your talents.你如此滥用自己的才能,使我深感不安。
  • He was sacked for computer misuse.他因滥用计算机而被解雇了。
6 bankruptcy
  • You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。
  • His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy.他的商号正面临破产的危险。
7 withdrawal
  • The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.警方被迫进行战术撤退。
  • They insisted upon a withdrawal of the statement and a public apology.他们坚持要收回那些话并公开道歉。
8 psychology
  • She has a background in child psychology.她受过儿童心理学的教育。
  • He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。
9 vessel
  • The vessel is fully loaded with cargo for Shanghai.这艘船满载货物驶往上海。
  • You should put the water into a vessel.你应该把水装入容器中。
10 spotted
  • The milkman selected the spotted cows,from among a herd of two hundred.牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。
  • Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。
11 tsunami
  • Powerful quake sparks tsunami warning in Japan.大地震触发了日本的海啸预警。
  • Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。
12 devastated
v.彻底破坏( devastate的过去式和过去分词);摧毁;毁灭;在感情上(精神上、财务上等)压垮adj.毁坏的;极为震惊的
  • The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city. 这颗炸弹炸毁了旧城的一大片地方。
  • His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。
acylcoenzyme a
ad valorem freight
Agsumal, Sebjet
aleurites trisperma blanco
ancillary legislation
anisotropic crystal quartz
anterior carpal arch
banknote sterling
be on one's uppers
benzoyl auramine
bridge excavation
busbar grounding
Chelonopsis mollissima
chin line
circuit breaker failure protection equipment
Coomassie brilliant blue
Crawler Excavators
cyclic economy
day jasmine
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digestive ferment
disc screen
disguised cession
drosophila fly
excrement of animals
family of a soldier
follicuLris annplata telangiectasia
forest-fire forecast
foveal region of retina
give someone his revenge
glandular fever
hide behind
imitation part
India steel
irrigation main
isogonal affine transformation
isosensitivity curve
least resistance line
millettia pachyloba drake
miracle fruit
morchella conicas
multiple superparticulars
panaeolus castaneifolius
parametrical nonlinearity
reserve for unrealized increment in assets
science fairs
Sierra Nevada
silver marking of glaze
single impulse welding
soil dispersion
spikes projecting
strap fern
Subarnarekha River
subjective approach formulation
takes a hike
three-dimensional system
two-way trunk line
water jacket cylinder block
weisia edentula mitt.