时间:2019-01-09 作者:英语课 分类:2006年VOA标准英语(九月)


By Patricia Nunan
New Delhi
18 September 2006

India and Pakistan have agreed to resume their interrupted peace process and to cooperate on the fight against terrorism. But remarks by Indian's prime minister suggest that New Delhi is still uncertain about Islamabad's relationship to Muslim terrorists in Kashmir - the central issue dividing the two neighbors. VOA's Patricia Nunan reports from New Delhi.


India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, right, and Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf shake hands in Havana, Cuba
India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, right, and Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf shake hands in Havana, Cuba


Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he is hopeful that a decision reached with Pakistan for the two nations to fight terrorism together will mark a new beginning in the relationship between the historic rivals.

But Mr. Singh says Pakistan must make good on its commitment to stamp out terrorism. "I do think that it is a new beginning. I hope it works," he said. "It is quite obvious to Pakistan that things cannot be business as usual, if terrorism is not under control or if the government of Pakistan is seen not to be willing to control terrorism."

Mr. Singh spoke 2 on Indian television while returning to the Indian capital Monday from the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Cuba, where he met with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

The two leaders agreed to resume their peace process and collaborate 3 in fighting terrorism. The process stalled after nearly 200 people were killed in coordinated 4 bombings on trains in the Indian city of Mumbai in July.

India blames Pakistan for allowing militants 6 based there to cross into India to carry out terrorist attacks like the Mumbai bombings. Pakistan denies allegations that it sponsors terror attacks against India.

So far, neither nation has provided details of what are described as "joint 7 mechanisms 9" to fight terrorism. But efforts are likely to focus on the disputed border region of Kashmir.

India controls about two-thirds of Kashmir, and the rest is held by Pakistan. The predominantly Muslim region is home to several Islamic militant 5 groups who want India out of Kashmir, so that it may become independent or merge 10 with Pakistan.

The dispute over Kashmir has led to two wars between India and Pakistan since it was divided between them in 1947, with the end of British colonial rule in the region.

Despite Mr. Singh's cautious optimism, analysts 11 say it may prove difficult to convince some in India that Pakistan is actually willing to stop cross-border attacks.

Ajay Sahni, with the New Delhi-based Institute of Conflict Management, said Pakistan has little interest in stopping terrorism. He points to on-going violence in another of Pakistan's neighbors, Afghanistan, as evidence.

"Supposedly they are fighting the war against terrorism, but they have facilitated the Taleban in virtually reconquering half of Afghanistan," said Sahni. "And I don't expect Pakistan to act in any better faith as far as India is concerned. They will carry on terrorism as they use the 'fig 1 leaf' of the joint mechanism 8 to argue in front of the international community that they are trying to work toward peace."

Pakistan also denies allegations it supports militants fighting in Afghanistan, and points out that it has deployed 12 80,000 troops to its tribal 13 border areas to root out insurgents 14.

  • The doctor finished the fig he had been eating and selected another.这位医生吃完了嘴里的无花果,又挑了一个。
  • You can't find a person who doesn't know fig in the United States.你找不到任何一个在美国的人不知道无花果的。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • The work gets done more quickly when we collaborate.我们一旦合作,工作做起来就更快了。
  • I would ask you to collaborate with us in this work.我们愿意请你们在这项工作中和我们合作。
  • The sound has to be coordinated with the picture. 声音必须和画面协调一致。
  • The numerous existing statutes are complicated and poorly coordinated. 目前繁多的法令既十分复杂又缺乏快调。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
  • He is a militant in the movement.他在那次运动中是个激进人物。
激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 )
  • The militants have been sporadically fighting the government for years. 几年来,反叛分子一直对政府实施零星的战斗。
  • Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets. 尽管如此,巴勒斯坦的激进分子仍然发射导弹。
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
  • The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body.骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成部件。
  • The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.这台机器的结构是非常复杂的。
n.机械( mechanism的名词复数 );机械装置;[生物学] 机制;机械作用
  • The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms. 这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He explained how the two mechanisms worked. 他解释这两台机械装置是如何工作的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I can merge my two small businesses into a large one.我可以将我的两家小商店合并为一家大商行。
  • The directors have decided to merge the two small firms together.董事们已决定把这两家小商号归并起来。
分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 )
  • City analysts forecast huge profits this year. 伦敦金融分析家预测今年的利润非常丰厚。
  • I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts. 研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。
(尤指军事行动)使展开( deploy的过去式和过去分词 ); 施展; 部署; 有效地利用
  • Tanks have been deployed all along the front line. 沿整个前线已部署了坦克。
  • The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort. 火炮是对着那个碉堡部署的。
  • He became skilled in several tribal lingoes.他精通几种部族的语言。
  • The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.那个国家被部落间的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。
n.起义,暴动,造反( insurgent的名词复数 )
  • The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents. 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Against the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents, these problems are manageable. 要对付塔利班与伊拉克叛乱分子,这些问题还是可以把握住的。 来自互联网
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Danger Is.
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