音乐咖啡厅:Love will keep us“婚礼音乐”推荐
可能是“Hotel California”太出名了,“老鹰乐队”的这首“Love will keep us alive 1”要稍显沉默。在为好友找婚礼音乐的时候邂逅了这首歌,当时就非常喜欢,推荐给了身边的朋友。
在朋友的婚礼上,当熟悉的吉他响起,我都有点陶醉了,当朋友和她的新郎深情相拥,我看到了他们的眼睛在和对方说:“Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do……”
充满温情的一段前奏开始,仿佛看见了洒满一地的阳光,主唱Timothy B.Schmit(贝斯手)和乐队其他成员的完美和声,在吉他的轻盈流转下,柔情而隽永。深夜时分,不管你的心里有没有那个他(她),Timothy B.Schmit的声音会让你相信爱,没有海誓山盟,没有信誓旦旦, 有的只是真实的可以触摸的心。
如果你是一个男生,有了心仪的女孩儿,如果你会吉他,不妨练练这首歌,然后找个云淡风轻的下午,在一个草坪(当然是允许进入的那种,嘿嘿)坐下,满怀爱意地,唱给她听吧。 Lyrics
Love will keep us alive by EaglesI was 3 standing
All alone 4 against 5 the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide 6
Lost and lonely
Now you've given 7 me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found 8 you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
I would 2 die 9 for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness insideWhen we're hungry...love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive 中文歌词
我曾独自伫立在此 面对这世界
你曾一直寻觅 一个栖身之处
迷失了 孤独着
不必担忧 有时我们只能顺其自然世界在你眼前瞬息万变
如今我拥有了你 我的内心不再空虚
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
我可以为你献出生命 可以为你勇登世界之巅
亲爱的 为了你我可以付出一切
如今我拥有了你 我的内心不再空虚
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
我可以为你献出生命 可以为你勇登世界之巅
亲爱的 为了你我可以付出一切
如今我拥有了你 我的内心不再空虚
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
我可以为你献出生命 可以为你勇登世界之巅亲爱的 为了你我可以付出一切
我曾独自伫立在此 面对这世界
你曾一直寻觅 一个栖身之处
迷失了 孤独着
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
当我们身陷困境 爱让我们彼此依赖而生
- Why would you say that?为什么你会这么说?
- Would you please help me?你能帮帮我吗?
- He often makes a round trip to the hospital alone.他经常一个人往返医院。
- It is dangerous for a girl to go out alone at night.一个女孩夜里单独外出是危险的。
- She tried to hide her feelings.她设法掩藏她的感情。
- Are you trying to hide something from me?你是不是有什么事想瞒着我?
- This was given me as a birthday gift.这是给我的生日礼物。
- He was given every chance to try the job.他得到一切可能的机会去试做这件事。
- I found him at home.我发现他在家。
- The United Nations was found in 1945.联合国于1945年成立。